The Thorpe Hall School PSHRE promise is to deliver inclusive and accessible education that ensures a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for all pupils. We aim to equip every student with a ‘toolkit’ that fosters emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing while instilling the core British values of democracy, individual liberty, respect and mutual tolerance and the rule of law, that will guide them throughout their lives.
Thorpe Hall School recognises that happy, secure children learn better than those with worries and concerns. Therefore, within our school community both Personal, Social, Health and Religious Education (PSHRE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) are regarded as essential elements of the curriculum.
The Thorpe Hall School PSHRE promise is to deliver inclusive and accessible education that ensures a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for all pupils. We aim to equip every student with a ‘toolkit’ that fosters emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing while instilling the core British values of democracy, individual liberty, respect and mutual tolerance and the rule of law, that will guide them throughout their lives.
Across all areas of the School, including Nursery, our pupils are taught the skills needed to live a safe, happy and healthy life. Due to the small class sizes and high teacher pupil ratio, our community benefits from a curriculum that is bespoke and responsive, not only to local and national data, but also to individual class dynamics. Due to the aforementioned, we are proud that every pupil within our community, regardless of ability or age is able to access the PSHRE/RSE curriculum in an effective manner. All areas of the School follow guidance from the PSHE Association, which is underpinned by detailed schemes of work, enrichment opportunities and a whole school ethos which radiates respect for one’s self, the community and the world in which we live.
Our youngest pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) guidance. In the Nursery the children learn that every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. Thorpe Hall Nursery School children not only learn the skills that they will need when they move up to Reception Class, but they also learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. They learn self-care, how to manage their emotions, how to resolve conflict, they develop goals to achieve and they learn about healthy lifestyle choices, including nutrition. Most importantly, all that they do and learn aids their cognitive development.
In the Prep School 1Decision is used as a tool to promote reflection and debate, so that pupils know understand how the choices they make now will have an immediate and often longer lasting impact on their lives. Thorpe Hall School recognises that the world is changing at a rapid rate, and that it has a responsibility to help our pupils develop the transferable skills needed to be successful adults that contribute fully to modern society.
Senior School students, in an age-appropriate manner, follow a scheme of work that is tailored to the pupils’ specific needs – again this learning is linked to local and national trends. The School’s bespoke framework delivers a comprehensive PSHRE scheme that covers the new statutory content, with learning outcomes adapted to support all learners’ level of understanding. Content includes economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education as well as education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. The breath and scope of our PSHRE/RSE teaching ensures that our Senior students are well prepared as they step towards adulthood.
If you have any questions or concerns,
our Head of PSHRE, Mrs S Bakonyvari,
can be contacted in school or by email here.