Welcome | Thorpe Hall School

Nursery 2-4


Welcome to our Nursery

Our Nursery takes children from age 2 to 4 (until the September after their 4th birthday)

For the youngest members of our school community, each day is a new adventure. Our priority is to ensure that their exciting learning journey begins in a safe and secure environment. We nurture every child with individual attention and engage them with a curriculum full of activities designed to stimulate a lifelong desire to learn.

In Nursery,  children explore learning across the entire range of imaginative, creative, social and academic curricula. The emphasis is on playing and having fun, and activities are directed both by staff and the children themselves. We embrace the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum but pride ourselves on adding so much more. Our fun-packed weekly programme of activities offers specialist teaching in a range of subjects including music, dance, drama, sport, cookery, French, computer skills, art and yoga.

Within spacious surroundings, the children can explore, discover, and learn. We have custom-built Nursery and Upper Nursery rooms leading to an outdoor classroom with a covered play-lawn and, at the edge of our 10-acre site, we have our very own Forest School.

Staff and parents work in partnership with close and open communication. Each child’s progress and development is carefully monitored and recorded in an online learning journal that parents can access and contribute to throughout their child’s time at the setting.  Class Dojo is the communication platform our team uses, which also gives parents lots of opportunities to keep up to date with their child’s daily experiences and achievements.

Thorpe Hall School is very much a family school with a strong family ethos. As the youngest members of that family, we embrace our role as builders of the solid foundations that will enable every child to thrive, succeed and make the most of every opportunity offered.

It is this important stage of learning and development that prepares children to take the next exciting step into full time school with confidence.

Nursery Class (from age 2)

Our Nursery class is action-packed and full of opportunities to play and learn for children from two years old through to the term after their third birthday. In our Nursery class, children benefit from creative and learning-focused activities in small groups –  all cared for in a bespoke manner with their individual needs met by our highly-skilled Early Years practitioners. Each and every day is filled with adventure, learning, fun and kindness.

Upper Nursery Class (age 3 – 4)

Children celebrate their fourth birthday in the Upper Nursery class. We introduce more formal elements in this pre-school period to prepare children for their move into Reception when the time comes. To ensure that all of our Upper Nursery pupils flourish, our Key Group sizes are purposefully small, and we maintain high staff to pupil ratios.  This means that all Upper Nursery children are supported to achieve their Early Learning Goals, have their needs met in a kind and caring way, and can truly thrive.

The minimum number of sessions attended rises as children get nearer to starting full time school so they are well prepared and feel confident making the transition. However we encourage families to consider sending their little ones to us full-time as soon as they move into Upper Nursery; by doing so, they secure an educational advantage that will last a lifetime.

Typically, there is a stronger academic focus in the mornings before lunch. After lunch the children enjoy more bespoke enrichment activities, and the regularly updated schedule may include Forest School, Beach School, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics), cooking, drama, dance and more. Throughout each day, the children are socialising with their friends and broadening their knowledge of relationships and the wider world.

The Transition to Reception

The Reception Year is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage. It’s the first year of statutory schooling, and the first year of Preparatory education at Thorpe Hall School.

Children progress easily from our Nursery into our Reception class, thanks to the extensive support and preparation we offer in the build up to their September start. Parents are also supported to help this important time run smoothly for the whole family.

Find out more about our Preparatory School here.

“From the very first day, the staff at Thorpe Hall’s Nursery really embraced my child’s development and learning, and I felt fully included and involved in every aspect of his start to school life.”

Nursery Parent

"The transition into Reception and full time school couldn't have been easier. My son was really well prepared, he knew his new teacher and she knew him. He felt confident and excited about the move up into big school".

Reception Class Parent

Make an Enquiry

If you’d like to find out more about our Nursery, please submit an enquiry form:

Enquiry Today

Literacy in early years, nursery and reception at Thorpe Hall School.

  • Small class sizes and spacious facilities
  • ISA National Award for Excellence & Innovation in Early Years
  • Accredited Forest School
  • Accredited Beach School
  • Specialist Teaching in Music, French, PE