Fees | Thorpe Hall School



Thorpe Hall School offers the following flexible fee payment options:

1. Monthly Instalments

Instead of paying the full tuition amount upfront, you can choose to pay in monthly direct debit instalments. This allows you to spread the cost over 12 regular, manageable monthly instalments each year. Monthly Instalments are only available to parents with children in Reception upwards.

2. Termly Payments

We also offer the option to make termly payments. This is the most common form of payment at Thorpe Hall School.

3. Upfront Payments

For Preparatory and Senior school fees, families are welcome to pay up-front for the provision of education for their child, up to a maximum of 7 years.

This enables parents to secure their child’s ongoing education at the current rate*.

The school is offering a fees in advance (FIA) scheme for parents whose children are in the school, or who are registered to start before April 2025. 

Although Nursery fees cannot be paid up-front, current Nursery parents whose children are remaining at Thorpe Hall School can pay in advance at any time for future Reception and older years.

For the school’s security, all parents looking to pay fees in advance would be required to undergo money laundering checks.

Fees from September 2024 to August 2025*

Year group Cost
Nursery £31.50 per session*
Prep: Reception Class £3,370 per term + VAT
Prep: Years 1 & 2 £3,950 per term + VAT
Prep: Years 3 & 4 £4,440 per term + VAT
Prep: Years 5 & 6 £4,950 per term + VAT
Senior: Years 7 – 11 £5,340 per term + VAT

*The Labour Party have made clear their intention to end the VAT exemption for independent schools and remove any mandatory business rates relief.

The new Chancellor has set out the “design, scope and expected impact” of applying VAT to private school fees and removing the charitable business rates relief for private schools. The VAT exemption will affect private schools across the whole of the UK with 20% VAT applicable to Prep and Senior School fees from the term commencing January 2025.

See our VAT FAQs page here for more details

Early Morning & After School Care: Before-school and after-school care is available from 7.30am to 6.00pm at an additional charge. The charge is £7.50 per hour or/and part thereof.  Please email wraparound@thorpehallschool.co.uk for details.

Lunch: Our catering team provides a delicious and nutritionally balanced lunch menu each day. Alternatively you can provide a packed lunch for your child. Lunch charges from September 2024 are detailed below.

Year Group Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Cost per day - if paid termly Cost per day - if paid daily
Nursery Full Time attendees (10 sessions) £214 £190 £163 £3.40 £3.65
Nursery - part time attendees (9 sessions or less)≠ £3.65
Reception to Year 4 £214 £190 £163 £3.40 £3.65
Years 5 to 10 £239 £213 £182 £3.80 £4.10
Year 11 £239 £213 £TBC £3.80 £4.10

≠ Children who do not attend full time will be charged the pay daily rate for any lunches they have


Please note, as is standard practice in the independent sector, a deposit payment is required on acceptance of an offer of a place. The required deposit is £1,000 per child. This is refunded on leaving the School, as per our Terms & Conditions.

Sibling Discount

For families with three or more children in Thorpe Hall School or Nursery at once, a 15% discount will apply to the third (youngest) and any subsequent children. The discount only applies while there are 3 or more children from the same family attending Thorpe Hall School or Nursery at the same time.


Nursery Sessions & Fees

Nursery Fees quoted below are from September 2024 to August 2025

At Thorpe Hall Nursery School, your child can attend morning sessions (no lunch) or stay all day (including lunch). The following minimum session requirements apply:

Nursery Upper Nursery
Minimum Sessions 3 sessions 5 sessions

Morning session: 8.30am to 12.00pm  All day (counts as 2 sessions): 8.30am to 3.00pm including lunch

Each session is charged at £31.50 (See Early Years Funding below).

Nursery Discount Plans

Plan-5 (5 morning sessions a week) – save 10%

Plan-10 (5 full days a week) – save 18%

Early Years Funding: Government funding is available for children from the term after their 2nd birthday – subject to eligibility. Early Years Funding gives you remission of fees per session for up to 5 sessions per week. The amount varies depending on the age of the child and the funding that applies.  You can see what options may apply to you on www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

For further information on how funding applies to THS Nursery fees, view and download the Nursery FAQs and Explanation of the Fees here.

*Please note, EYF subject to change

Thorpe Hall School also participates in the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare Scheme. For more information please follow this link: Tax-free Childcare


Thorpe Hall Trust is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Premium Credit Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. *School Fee Plan is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited.