Student Leadership - Key Skills in Leadership from Prep Upwards | Thorpe Hall School

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Student Leadership – Key Skills in Leadership from Prep Upwards

The Student Leadership Teams at Thorpe Hall School give students from Year 6 to Year 11 distinct opportunities to develop leadership skills for life. They receive mentoring and guidance and are supported to deliver a variety of projects, which will all have a positive impact on Thorpe Hall School. They will focus on five key areas: Wellbeing, Pretty Tough, Teaching and Learning, Environment and Sustainability and Student Voice.

This year, there are now Student Leadership Teams from Prep, Pre G (Year 9), Lower G (Year 10), and Upper G (Year 11). These teams will be ensuring students have a voice, leading change, and making a positive impact at Thorpe Hall School. They will help embed Thorpe Hall’s shared mission:

 “To create collisions with opportunities for all learners so that they can dream with their eyes open, achieve their ambitions and positively impact the world.”

We want them to leave a legacy that they can be proud of and we are really looking forward to seeing their impact on the School.


Inspirational Input for our Student Leaders

We are delighted to have the input and insight of entrepreneurial business leader Mrs Elle Beadle supporting this initiative. Many of you may know her from her involvement with local children’s charity Packed With Smiles, and Elle is kindly now offering her time to help support the school with their student leadership strategy. She will be giving insight from her wealth of leadership, strategic, communication and management experience, and we’re delighted to be able to offer such a unique opportunity to our students.


Meet our Student Leadership Teams
Prep Student Leadership Team (PSLT)


After writing through application and being interviewed by the School’s Leadership staff, the PSLT run passion projects across the school. To ensure that their good ideas further drive forward Learning and Teaching, the PSLT is mentored by Mrs Peterson. For many pupils, this is their first step on the leadership pathway.

Wellbeing: Lois

Playground: Isabella

Teaching and Learning: Henry, Zachary

Pupil Voice: Benjamin, Sophie

Supported by Co-Curricular champions:

Martha, Finn, Oliver, Daisy, Zach

Junior Student Leadership Team (JSLT)



These students start their leadership journey in Pre G (Year 9). They are linked with areas that our Senior Student Leadership Team work with and are crucial advocates of communicating the student voice across the school. They are at the beginning of their leadership journey and are guided through the skills needed to become strong and effective leaders of the future.

Wellbeing: Sophia, Emmanuel

Pretty Tough: Emily, Poppy

Teaching and Learning: William, Sophie

Environment and Sustainability: Carter (not pictured), Biba, Henry

Student Voice: Emilie, Ruby

Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT)


In Lower G (Year 10), the SSLT drive new ideas and implement new initiatives within the groups of Wellbeing, Environment and Sustainability, Student Voice, Teaching and Learning and Pretty Tough.

Wellbeing: Vivienne (Lead), Zak, Millicent

Pretty Tough: Chloe (Lead), Oliver, Isabelle

Teaching and Learning: Daniel (Lead), Agnes

Environment and Sustainability: Ben (Lead), Megan, Meadow, Annabella

Student Voice: Isabella (Lead), Henry, Mia

Executive Student Leadership Team (ESLT)

This team from our current Upper G (Year 11) students includes our head boy, head girl, deputy head boy and girl and our senior prefects. These students head up our leadership and mentor and guide our younger students in their journey throughout the school.

Head Boy: Alex

Head Girl: Holly

Deputy Head Girl: Alice

Deputy Head Boy: Jacob

Senior Prefects:  Alfie (not pictured), Tilly, Grace, James (not pictured)